Fundamental Things to Know about Content Marketing

a man reading an article on his tablet with a tea cup placed beside it

All content are created with the intention to be seen and to be interact with irrespective of its form.

It takes great amount of effort to develop something that will interest internet users. However, for any form of content to be seen or known, the creator has a major role to play.

One of the primary purpose of every content created is to be seen. Creators don't just create digital contents and then hide them in a drawer.

They don't just spend several hours behind closed door for what is not to be known.

As a matter of fact, the success of any creator depends on the amount of audience that view, use, or interact with his content.

The number of viewers matters a lot in this game. The larger your audience the more successful you will become.

"Content marketing is an integral part of content creation."

One of the main reason for creating content is for the content to be seen, and for it to be seen you'll have to make a lot of noise about it.

The truth is, for any content to influence, educate, or impact lives, the content needs to be seen, to be known, or to be heard.

How will people get to know about your content? How will people get to know about your blog posts? How will people get to know about your latest video upload on YouTube?

Content marketing is as important as content creation—it is as crucial as content creation itself.

Hundreds of millions of different content are created and shared daily online. For your content to be seen amidst this huge number, you'll have to market it.

Content marketing in its most basic definition simply means sharing or posting your content to where it will be seen. The content may be in any form.

The first go-to place for most creators is social media. Others prefer using news outlets, magazines, press releases, newsletters e.t.c.

Since nearly all social network sites are free to use, it is easy and cheap to market your content there.

As explained in this post, social media is a must for creators that want to gain exposure on the web.

A lot of people use social media everyday—it attract a large number of audience both locally and internationally.

It does not matter what sort of content you post or share there; the ultimate goal is for people to see it and make use of the information it provides.

Content marketing is like marketing any other product, it requires proven methods and strategies.

You just don't go around screaming about your content without mapping out what you aim to achieve with it.

Although content marketing is about pitching your content to where it will be most likely seen, the goal is actually what matters.

For instance, I won't spend hours promoting an infographic, sharing it up and down, making noise about it on social platforms, without having an intention of what I aim to achieve with it.

If the infographic is about a specific product that I have just launch, my campaign will be focus around how people will get to know about it and how they can get it.

Shedding light to how the product is better than that of the competitors will be the key highlight of the campaign. The information written on the infographic must compel viewers to get the product.

The illustration on the infographic must speak about the product in a way that will move viewers to get one.

Some people create content to educate viewers; some create content to market their products, while some create content to generate traffic to their landing pages.

The purpose of each content created can be different depending on the goal of the creator, likewise the tactics and strategies used in marketing them.

Content marketing is a very wide topic that involves a lot of activity. Most creators often hire marketers or social media managers to do the marketing for them.

It can take more than a week to create some form of content, however, all of the effort invested will be futile if the content does not trend or go viral.

Sharing post to Facebook and Twitter, showcasing graphics work on Behance, publishing articles on Medium are all part of content marketing.

Sending weekly newsletters to your customers email and creating polls (or online quizzes) are also part of marketing.

These activities are meant to promote one thing or the other, either directly or indirectly.

It is not by magic or by sorcery do you get to view this article; it's either Google lead you here, or you saw its link on social media and tap on it.

It is all part of a marketing effort at my own end.

Some go as far as to create presentations, Q&A's, slideshows, and memes to market their brand and product online.

Your content is your product if you are a content creator. For you to achieve success, you need to market your content fervently and effectively.

Lastly, please know that how you market your content or product or brand can make a whole lot of effect on how you squash (or get squashed by) your competitors.

If your competitors know how to market their product more than you, the chance of you getting ahead of them is very slim, even if you have a better product.

How as content marketing helped your creation journey? Let's hear your story.

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