Can Content Creation Help Small Business Grow Big? Yes It Can

how content creation can help business grow

The digital age brought a lot of changes in how we interact and how we communicate with people that are nearby and that are far away.

It changes how we pitch and set up business model, because business is all about reaching out to people and meeting their needs wherever they are.

Content creation did not started in the 21st century; it has been in existence far before the internet was made commercial, as far as when The New York Times newspapers were sold for five cents.

Communication is one of the key element that unite people. To effectively communicate a business ideal, it is good to first understand the language and the landscape of the targeted area.

The best way to get closer to people, as a business, is to speak the language that the people can understand. This means, simplifying and upping your game in how you communicate and introduce your business.

How you introduce your business determines how people see your business and the reaction you are likely to get, which will rather result in profit or loss.

We are no longer in the 80s when all companies run local TV advert and bid for the front page of the newspapers in order to reach out and gain customers.

Things have greatly changed—for the better, because you can reach out to the farthest place on the planet right from the comfort of your office and sell your product.

The world has gone digital! Most of the top successful business in the world are selling digital product i.e Google.

To meet up with the present need of the people, you must first reach out to them. The fastest way to do this is by content creation.

Today, nearly every global company are using content creation to propagate the growth of their business offshore. As a small business owner, you too can!

Content creation is no longer optional, it is vital. Every business that wants to be successful need to integrate content creation into their core mandate.

In summary, it's not something you can opt out of if you want to reach more audience and attract more customers.

You may ask, how will content creation help my small business to grow?

The answer to this question is not farfetched.

There are five important things that content creation will influence to extend the growth of your business.

Five things that content creation will influence

1. Visibility
2. Credibility
3. Brand Awareness
4. Exposure
5. Trust

These things are very important to any business irrespective of what it produce. They are the foundation that hold the pillars on which the success of any company is built on.

Let me explain these one by one:


For any business to reach its maximum potential, it must be well known and well recognized. People don't go around looking for what to buy or for what to order, no. They are more likely to buy what they already know.

You can't just set-up a new business in Lagos and expect people in Ibadan to know about it; it does not work that way. This is where content creation can help.

By creating engaging contents that focus on your brand and posting them all over the internet, you're more likely to introduce your brand to people across many cities, areas, and beyond, which will help to increase your brand visibility.

People will know about your business when they come across your contents online. By engaging with these contents, they'll know who you are, where you are, and what you sell.


While visibility will get you people's attention, you need credibility to keep them engaged. Visibility is never enough—people need to be convinced that you are who you are and what you say.

By continually creating unique contents that draw attention, and by using proper words and authentic information that can be verify, you are influencing the mind of the onlookers to see your product in the same light as they see your contents.

People don't need to see your product or use your product before they'll be convinced that your product is of the best. It is what most influentials do on social media.

Brand Awareness

As your business visibility increases and its credibility solidify, the name of your business (or brand) will begin to spread like wildfire.

At this point, people that come across your product will be more incline to buy it.

Brand awareness across multiple point is every company's dream - it eases the struggle and the stress involved in making a product sellable.

At this stage, people are already convinced of your product and are ready to buy it.


Exposure, in this case, simply means popularity. At this point, your business is already famous.

People that have engaged with your contents on the internet over the time will be able to identify your brand among many other brands in the market.

By now, you already have lots of fans and followers across the social media space, including on your business social handles.

With your brand gaining the exposure it deserves after months (or years) of online promotion, it will be easy to enter new markets knowing that people there already know about your brand.


Trust comes naturally as people patronize and use your product.

If it turned out that all the contents (articles, videos e.t.c) about your brand that are spread all over the internet are true, as your fans are likely to find out, then you'll earn your customers trust.

One thing about "trust" is that you can't fake it, you can't enforce it, and you can't fool people about it. It's not something you can get within a short period of time.

It comes naturally as people begin to use your product over a period of time. With content creation, you can draw people's attention and influence them to buy your product, but you need your product to be good and to be up to standard before you can gain trust.

Round up

With constant effort and continuous online campaigns and promotions, content creation can help small businesses to grow within a short period of time.

Internet connects the world together; you can use the internet to your advantage by utilizing content creation to make your business known across many seas.

As a small business owner, it may be hard to do at first. However, when you begin to see the result, you'll realize that the benefit far outweigh the strain.

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