What does it take to be an excellent writer?

a writer writing with her pen on a notebook

Writing can be fun for those that have venture into the writing business for a long time, but for people that are just getting started, it may turn out to be a very difficult task.

Writing is one of the medium by which we can communicate, and in extension, just like speaking, it is one of the ways by which we can express ourselves and our opinions.

It is one of the things we learn to do when we were growing up. From nursery, we were trained how to pen our mind and brain down, first by using pencils, and later by ink.

Education is what introduced many people into writing. It is a necessity to know how to write if we are to learn and to reciprocate what we've learnt down the road of our lives.

Frankly speaking, every student is a writer. As long as you can hold a pen and you are able to express yourself in written words, you are a writer. It is as simple as that.

However, like any other institutions, there are levels of standard when it comes to writing. You can't wake up one day and just become a professional writer. It does not happen that way.

What differentiate an amateur writer from a professional writer is his ability to tailor words to fully express the intent of the message that is passed across.

A writer must be able to use the right words that best reflect the purpose of his message.

Writing is not about sharing your point of view or your opinion about yourself, or trying to prove a statement is true or false. It is not about trying to force your narration down the throat of your readers.

It has everything to do with your audience, your readers, by bringing them into the same level of understanding and shedding light to the most critical points in your writings.

If your readers can understand your writings as much as you do, it is a success and an accomplishment. If they are able to digest the message you're passing across, you have actualize your goal as a writer!

What does it take to be an excellent writer? To be an excellent writer, you must be fluent, and you must be able to simplify words so much that even the less educated will be able to comprehend your message.

Every writing is a message; a message to someone close or far away, or to a group of people. The message could be informational or editorial; it could be a commentary, an exposition, a review, or an analysis.

In whatever shape or form your article is presented, the goal is to get your readers to engage and to understand the content of the message you're passing across to them.

If your readers are having difficulty understanding the content of your message, you've failed as a writer.

Attributes that define a good writer

1. Simplicity
2. Formation
3. Details
4. Fluency

These four qualities are of great importance for any writer to be seen as a professional. To excel as a writer, these four things are a must!

Let me explain these one by one:


As I said earlier, a writer that wants to excel must be able to break down big words. In other words, he must be able to simplify words. While the target audience really matters, simplicity is the key element to get them to understand your message.

By using simple words and basic grammars that can be easily understood, you'll be able to pass your message across to wider audience irrespective of their status and their educational standard.

Not all English speakers are native Americans or British - not all English speakers are 100% proficient in understanding the English language.

By making your articles easy to digest using basic grammars, your readers won't have any problem understanding your writings and its intent irrespective of their age group and locality.

It mainly depends on your target audience - if your audience are matured, understandable, and well educated, you don't need to go soft.


The format, the construct, and the structure of your article matters. Your article headline, the space gap, the proper use of punctuation marks, and how you list the items within the content of your article all affect readability.

To be seen as a professional writer, you must know how to format text within your content properly. It helps a long way if your readers can easily navigate through your articles without getting lost.

Formation is very important as it is what gives shape to the texts within your document.


An article that is detailing and explanatory will satisfy an audience more than a short piece any time any day. As a writer, your aim should be how to clearly explain the topic you are writing about.

However, it depends on the topic of focus and the audience you are targeting. For instance, a short descriptive texts on a product page is enough, but it won't be enough on a review page.

Your article must be detailed enough to quench the thirst of your readers.


How you use words in the right places, the eloquence of your written grammar, and how you tailored words to properly reflect the intent of the message within your article, all have impact on how your message will be delivered.

A writer must be able to clearly express himself without gapping on words. It's one of the reasons why most firms prefer to hire native writers to help them develop contents for their online business.

In conclusion, anyone with a formal education can write, but it takes having good skills to become a professional writer. There are levels in this field.

One of the best ways by which one can improve his writing skill is to read books constantly.

A good writer is a good reader.

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